How To: Optimize Your WordPress Title

Looking to optimize your WordPress title? While this blog will probably not get to caught up in covering search engine optimization, there are definitely a few tweaks that you can make to your existing WordPress theme that will help optimize your blog’s search engine potential. In this post I’m going to cover a quick adjustment that you can make to your title tag to show a more optimal title.

Optimize Your WordPress Title

By default, your WordPress theme will likely come with a pretty standard code for your blog’s title. It probably looks something like the following:

<title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?> » Blog Archive <?php } ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>

Unfortunately this is not the best way to code your title for your WordPress. Ideally, you’ll want a more search engine friendly way to display a custom title for each page of your WordPress blog. In order to achieve this, here is the code I recommend using:

<title><?php if (is_home () ) { bloginfo(‘name’); }
elseif ( is_category() ) { single_cat_title(); echo ‘ - ‘ ; bloginfo(‘name’); }
elseif (is_single() ) { single_post_title();}
elseif (is_page() ) { single_post_title();}
else { wp_title(‘’,true); } ?></title>

This code will actually display a custom title for each different type of page on your blog automatically.

If you’re truly ambitious, you can actually use a plugin that will do all the dirty work for you. That plugin is called WordPress SEO, and it will help automate the process for displaying completely custom meta tags for each page of your blog, including the title field.

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